Thursday, April 12, 2012

Purdue EcoCAR 2 Documentary Series

To reach out to Purdue students, the EcoMakers have begun a series of documentary showings. These documentaries focus on the environment, advanced vehicle technology and the importance of sustainability. Before the documentaries we have a brief introduction to EcoCAR 2 and it's goals, and follow up the documentary with a discussion.
The first documentary, Fuel, with the tagline “Change your fuel, change the world”, is the in depth personal journey of filmmaker Josh Tickle, who leads the viewers on a road trip into America’s dependence on foreign oil. With interviews with lawmakers, educators, activities and environmentalists, Tickle looks into our future and offers hope via a wide range of renewable energy and bio-fuels. This documentary discussed an important issue: that there is not one solution for a sustainable future, there are many solutions which must work together to meet the demands of society. From bio-diesel made from algae, to hybrid cars to electric cars which are charged by renewable energy, a world not fueled by oil can be possible. Students who attended the showing enjoyed the documentary and a follow up
discussion took place afterwards. Did we mention free popcorn?
File:Revenge of the Electric Car.jpgLast week, we showed the documentary Revenge of the Electric Car, the sequel to Who Killed the Electric Car? Revenge of the Electric Car outlines the resurgence of electric vehicles and the struggles and successes four different automakers have had in designing, manufacturing and selling electric vehicles. As we are designing our own car, we understand many of the struggles that these businesses are having. For anyone who enjoys cars, technologies and business, this documentary was very enjoyable and informative.
We will continue to show documentaries throughout the remainder of the competition, so please stay tuned for the next showing! We’d love to have you join and discuss the documentary with us afterward. Have an idea for our next showing? Let us know!

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